

Camidge and Leland Discuss the Road to a Multifaceted Biotechnology Career


Drs Camidge and Leland discuss various roles in the biotechnology field and the intricacies of starting a biotechnology company.

How This Is Building Me, hosted by world-renowned oncologist D. Ross Camidge, MD, PhD, is a podcast focused on the highs and lows, ups and downs of all those involved with cancer, cancer medicine, and cancer science across the full spectrum of life’s experiences.

In this episode, Dr Camidge sits down with Shawn Leland, PharmD, RPh, to discuss the evolution of Dr Leland’s career, from pursuing a PharmD degree, to becoming a medical science liaison (MSL), to becoming the founder and chief executive officer of Elevation Oncology. Dr Leland is currently the chief executive officer and director of the board at Fore Biotherapeutics.

Drs Camidge and Leland discuss the details of Dr Leland’s career, including the road leading to his industry fellowship experience; how his position as an MSL evolved into several roles in the biotechnology field; the intricacies of starting a biotechnology company; and more.

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