
Dr. Bonomi Discusses PD-L1 as a Biomarker in NSCLC

Philip D. Bonomi, MD, The Alice Pirie Wirtz Professor of Medical Oncology, Rush Medical College, medical oncologist, Rush University Medical Center, discusses PD-L1 as a biomarker in non-small cell lung cancer.

Philip D. Bonomi, MD, The Alice Pirie Wirtz Professor of Medical Oncology, Rush Medical College, medical oncologist, Rush University Medical Center, discusses PD-L1 as a biomarker in non—small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

Although PD-L1 is not a perfect biomarker, it remains a player in the immunotherapy arena, says Bonomi.

If regimens like combining immunotherapy and chemotherapy demonstrate good results, there may not even be a need for biomarkers, Bonomi adds.

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