Dr. Lawrence Fong on Managing the Side Effects of Immunotherapies


Lawrence Fong, MD, Professor, Department of Medicine (Hematology/Oncology), University of California San Francisco, discusses the importance of educating oncologists on the side effects of immunotherapies.

Lawrence Fong, MD, Professor, Department of Medicine (Hematology/Oncology), University of California San Francisco, discusses the importance of educating oncologists on the side effects of immunotherapies.

Immunotherapies have side effects that are different than the conventional chemotherapies or targeted therapies that oncologists are accustomed to, says Fong. One of the biggest challenges, now that immunotherapies are becoming more common, has been to education all oncologists on these side effects and how to treat them, he adds.

If recognized early, the side effects of immunotherapies are very treatable and manageable, says Fong.

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