
Dr. Lopes Discusses the Importance of Addressing Financial Toxicity in Lung Cancer

Gilberto Lopes Jr, MD, a medical director for International Programs at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, discusses the important of addressing financial toxicity during the 5th Annual Miami Lung Cancer Conference.

Gilberto Lopes Jr, MD, a medical director for International Programs at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, discusses the important of addressing financial toxicity during the 5th Annual Miami Lung Cancer Conference.

The treatment of patients with lung cancer has improved markedly, but not all patients have access to new treatment modalities that could help prolong their life. There are many patients who do not have insurance, and because of this, they do not have access to diagnostic or therapeutic options. Additionally, studies have shown that patients who are on Medicaid, as opposed to commercial insurance, may also have worse outcomes.

Lopes says it is important for physicians to address cost and financial toxicity with their patients. With the rising cost of medications, it has become an increasing burden on patients, and many are unable to cope.

While addressing insurance is the best way to make certain a patient will receive proper treatment, it is also important to see if patients can receive additional support from programs that may be available to them, Lopes says.


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