
Shaping the Use of Immunotherapy in the Localized Lung Cancer Setting

Thoracic Night Live is devoted to spotlighting the biggest topics in lung cancer and pivotal studies discussed at medical meetings throughout the year. This episode is a review of the clinical advancements in lung cancer treatment throughout 2021. Funding from Daiichi Sankyo/Content Independently Developed by OncLive

Good evening and welcome! Thank you for joining OncLive’s fifth episode of Thoracic Night Live, a program devoted to spotlighting the biggest topics in lung cancer and pivotal studies discussed at medical meetings throughout the year.

Live from New York City, I’m Josh Sabari, MD, an assistant professor in the Department of Medicine at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, and it’s great to be back on this program, again as your host!

But it’s not just me tonight. Virtually joining me tonight is Dr. Benjamin Levy,
clinical director of medical oncology at Johns Hopkins Medicine, as well as 2 former hosts on Thoracic Night Live: Dr Nick Rohs, an assistant professor in medicine, hematology, and medical oncology at Mount Sinai, and Dr Balazs Halmos, a professor in the Department of Medial Oncology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Welcome everyone, and it’s an honor to share this virtual stage with you!

Tonight’s discussion is going to focus on reviewing the year 2021 in lung cancer treatment, and highlighting the breakthroughs with immunotherapy and targeted therapy, which have really revolutionized how we approach our patients in clinical practice.

Let’s kick this show off!

Sponsored in Part by Daiichi Sankyo/Content Independently Developed by OncLive.

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