
Welcome to UCD ChestHealth!

Welcome to UCD ChestHealth, the official blog of UC Davis Thoracic Surgery.

Welcome to UCD ChestHealth, the official blog of UC Davis Thoracic Surgery. This exciting new outlet, the first of its kind for a UC Davis Health System clinical service, will allow patients, physicians, students, residents, allied health professionals and anyone else who is interested or curious to learn about what we do and the important and not so publicized disease processes that affect thousands of individuals each day such as Lung Cancer, Esophageal Cancer, Emphysema/COPD and Hyperhidrosis.

Most of all, this blog will help answer that age old question “What is Thoracic Surgery?” My mother asks me that question all of the time! So feel free to comment, enjoy, and please suggest content. You can contact or follow us on twitter: @UCD_ChestHealth or email us

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Zofia Piotrowska, MD, MHS, and Martin Dietrich, MD, PhD, experts on lung cancer
Zofia Piotrowska, MD, MHS, and Martin Dietrich, MD, PhD, experts on lung cancer
A panel of 5 experts on lung cancer
A panel of 5 experts on lung cancer
Zofia Piotrowska, MD, MHS, and Martin Dietrich, MD, PhD, experts on lung cancer
Zofia Piotrowska, MD, MHS, and Martin Dietrich, MD, PhD, experts on lung cancer
Stephen V. Liu, MD