
Real-World Evidence on Use of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Combinations and Clinical Trial Endpoints

Experts in liver cancer treatment provide insight on real-world trials of immune checkpoint inhibitor combinations in HCC and opine on trial endpoints when immune therapy is utilized.

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Daniel M. Halperin, MD, associate professor, Department of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Haeseong Park, MD, MPH
Milind Javle, MD; Rachna Shroff, MD, MS, FASCO
Milind Javle, MD; Rachna Shroff, MD, MS, FASCO
Milind Javle, MD; Rachna Shroff, MD, MS, FASCO
Milind Javle, MD; and Rachna Shroff, MD, MS, FASCO
 Milind Javle, MD, and Rachna Shroff, MD, MS, FASCO
Milind Javle, MD; Rachna Shroff, MD, MS, FASCO; Steven Scott West