
Advanced Prostate Cancer: Closing Thoughts


Joe O’Sullivan, MD, FRCPI, FFRRCSI, FRCR: Gentlemen, we’ve had a great discussion. We’ve covered a lot of information regarding personalized therapy in metastatic prostate cancer. Before we end, I’d like to invite each of you to share any additional comments you might have based on what we’ve discussed. Bertrand, can I start with you? Do you have any additional comment to make?

Bertrand Tombal, MD, PhD: We live in an exciting phase. But, once again, it’s a phase where we can do a lot of good, but we can do a lot of harm. So, we have to think on what we do and not jump on the first hype, still try to better deliver what we know is working well, and then go to the hype.

Joe O’Sullivan, MD, FRCPI, FFRRCSI, FRCR: Johann?

Johann de Bono, PhD, MB, ChB: I think my main piece of advice is 2-fold. One is to get the drugs into the patients before they get sick. Don’t give abiraterone after enzalutamide or enzalutamide after abiraterone and then wait so long that they’re never going to get drugs, like radium or the taxanes. Please make sure you get all the drugs in before the patients die. And secondly, don’t just monitor PSA as your response measure. Do scans and ensure that you know whether the patient is radiologically responding or not.

Joe O’Sullivan, MD, FRCPI, FFRRCSI, FRCR: Chris, any last words of wisdom?

Chris Parker, MD, FRCR, MRCP: Johann stole my point. I was going to say that the most important takeaway message is that we’ve got to find drugs that improve survival and you want as many of your patients as possible to benefit from as many of those 5 drugs as possible. You don’t want them to die after having 1 or 2.

Joe O’Sullivan, MD, FRCPI, FFRRCSI, FRCR: Great. Thank you. It’s been a great discussion. Thank you all for your contributions to this program, and, on behalf of our panel here, we’d like to thank you, our viewers, for joining us. Thanks very much.

Transcript Edited for Clarity

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