
Best Practices in NSCLC Molecular Testing, Part II

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David Gandara, MD, begins the conversation by asking a question about the timing of treatment in relation to diagnosis.

Alan B. Sandler, MD, states that while deciding on a treatment early on is important, he also sticks to the idea to refrain from ordering a test until he plans on doing something with the information. Depending on the likelihood of positive results, Sandler can adjust the plan.

In some cases, Corey J. Langer, MD, says, such as in node positive patients who have undergone definitive resection and have plans for resection, exceptions can be made. Certain tests can take multiple weeks to deliver results.

Gandara concludes the conversation by mentioning a new program led by Alliance and the National Cancer Institute where 8,000 early stage patients will undergo molecular testing for trials and their information will be available for later use.

View Part I of the discussion