
Cosmo Smith on The Breakthrough Oncology Accelerator Flagship Program

P. Cosmo Smith, MBA, managing partner, Origin Commercial Ventures, discusses The Breakthrough Oncology Accelerator flagship program.

P. Cosmo Smith, MBA, managing partner, Origin Commercial Ventures, discusses The Breakthrough Oncology Accelerator flagship program.

Origin is one of the founding members of The Breakthrough Oncology Accelerator flagship program, notes Smith. Their role is in building and growing the financial components of the partnership with Atlantic Health and Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen). By creating and financing new payment models, more patients will be able to access novel therapies moving forward, explains Smith.

Origin identifies as a global partner to Atlantic Health and TGen, adds Smith. By overseeing the business and financial strategies of the partnership, Origin hopes to expand their ability to bring novel therapies to patients, aid in identifying the right patients to receive the right therapies, and create new monitoring programs that work best in real time to ensure the deliverance of those therapies.

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