
Dr. Crafton on Secondary Surgical Cytoreduction in Ovarian Cancer

Sarah Crafton, MD, gynecologic oncologist, Allegheny Health Network, discusses secondary surgical cytoreduction in recurrent ovarian cancer.

Sarah Crafton, MD, gynecologic oncologist, Allegheny Health Network, discusses secondary surgical cytoreduction in recurrent ovarian cancer.

Two large, randomized, controlled trials evaluated the role of surgical cytoreduction in recurrent ovarian cancer, says Crafton. However, the trials have conflicting results. The phase III AGO DESKTOP III/ENGOT ov20 trial demonstrated that patients who have a good performance status, low-volume ascites, and had an optimal initial primary cytoreduction could be good candidates for secondary surgery. Notably, data from the trial demonstrated a progression-free survival (PFS) benefit with secondary cytoreductive surgery.

However, data from the phase III GOG-0213 trial that was recently published in The New England Journal of Medicine showed no PFS or overall survival advantage in patients who had surgery and chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone.