
Dr. Godwin on Ongoing Clinical Trials for Men With Prostate Cancer

James L. Godwin, MD, physician, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, Thomas Jefferson Hospital, discusses ongoing trials for men with prostate cancer.

James L. Godwin, MD, physician, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, Thomas Jefferson Hospital, discusses ongoing trials for men with prostate cancer.

There are several ongoing trials looking at enzalutamide (Xtandi) in the frontline setting including ENZAMET and ARCHES. Additionally, the PEACE1 study is looking at a variety of combinations. Godwin says there will soon be head-to-head randomized data of docetaxel plus androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) versus abiraterone acetate (Zytiga) plus ADT. The addition or absence of radiation therapy will depend on the patient population. These findings will add some extra data for physicians to consider when choosing therapy, states Godwin.

There are also trials looking at combinations of chemotherapy plus a next-generation androgen-targeting agent. An arm of the STAMPEDE trial is looking at the combination of upfront abiraterone and enzalutamide. There many ongoing phase III trials that will likely read out in the next few years and help inform the management of the disease, concludes Godwin.

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