
Dr. Hammers Discusses Combining IDO and PD-1 Inhibitors in RCC

Hans J. Hammers, MD, PhD, associate professor, Internal Medicine, UT Southwestern Medical Center, discusses the potential combination of IDO inhibitors and PD-1 inhibitors in renal cell carcinoma.

Hans J. Hammers, MD, PhD, associate professor, Internal Medicine, UT Southwestern Medical Center, discusses the potential combination of IDO inhibitors and PD-1 inhibitors in renal cell carcinoma (RCC).

Interfering in the IDO pathway can result in a tumor microenvironment that allows for a more enhanced immune response, says Hammers.

Early data out of ASCO 2017 showed an improved response rate with the combination of an IDO inhibitor and a PD-1 inhibitor, resulting in a phase III trial comparing that combination to sunitinib (Sutent) in RCC.