
Dr. Jonathan Henderson Discusses the Professional Need and Business Model for Men's Health Clinics

Jonathan Henderson, MD, urologist, Regional Urology, assistant director of clinical research, discusses how men's health clinics should be run by urologists.

Jonathan Henderson, MD, urologist, Regional Urology, assistant director of clinical research, discusses how men’s health clinics should be run by urologists.

Across the United States, Henderson has seen an increase in men’s health clinics open in the past few years , focusing on low-testosterone and erectile dysfunction. However, these are not being run by urologists and should be, Henderson says, for there to be evidence-based and quality care.

Now, Henderson says, more urologists are working to open their own men’s health clinics. Though urologists can open up a clinic within their practice, Henderson says it is more effective for them to create a freestanding men’s health clinic for patients’ privacy.

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