Ivan Marazzi, PhD, discusses the goals for examining topotecan as a treatment for patients with COVID-19 and cancer in India and Brazil.
Ivan Marazzi, PhD, an associate professor at Mount Sinai, discusses the goals for examining topotecan as a treatment for patients with COVID-19 and cancer in India and Brazil.
During the pandemic numerous clinical trials were initiated to target either the host or the virus, typically utilizing inhibitors such as chemical, antibodies, or plasma, Marazzi says. The thought was to utilize a preventative approach, he explains.
However, in a clinical trial testing topotecan in patients with COVID-19 and cancer, the reality is a bit different, as the trial targets patients with severe disease with no current treatment options, Marazzi says. Investigators will first evaluate the pharmacokinetics of the agent, as well as the safety of administration. While topotecan has been utilized in patients with cancer for decades, it is not known how the agent will perform in a patient with severe underlying conditions, such as COVID-19 or severe COVID-19, Marazzi concludes.