Michael L. Blute, MD, chief, department of urology, Massachusetts General Hospital, discuses the benefit of partial nephrectomy compared to radical nephrectomy in patients with renal cell carcinoma (RCC).
A database study looked at 180,000 patients who underwent surgery for localized kidney cancer, and found that the rate of partial nephrectomy increased from 30% to almost 70% from 2003 to 2012. This is encouraging, said Blute.
The study showed that for patients that have stage TIA renal masses, a partial nephrectomy increased overall survival compared to a radical nephrectomy. For patients with stage TIB and stage II cancer of the kidney, the rate of partial nephrectomy more than doubled between 2003-2012 from less than 10% to 23%. The same improvment in overall survival for patients who underwent partial nephrectomy was not seen in this population.
However, for patients that want to preserve renal function, a partial nephrectomy should still be considered.