
Dr. Moore on the Prevalence of Ovarian Cancer

Kathleen Moore, MD, discusses the current prevalence of ovarian cancer.

Kathleen Moore, MD, director of the Oklahoma TSET Phase I Clinical Trials Program, and associate professor in the Section of Gynecologic Oncology, Jim and Christy Everest Endowed Chair in Cancer Research, director of the Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Program, associate director of Clinical Research, and medical director of the Clinical Trials Office, at Stephenson Cancer Center, discusses the current prevalence of ovarian cancer.

Although the incidence and mortality of ovarian cancer has remained steady, more women are surviving than ever before, says Moore. Currently, the prevalence in both Europe and the United States is high due to better supportive care and the incorporation of maintenance therapy.

Moreover, the discovery and incorporation of novel agents resulted in prolonged progression-free survival in these patients. Additionally, it appears as though overall survival is increasing incrementally, Moore concludes.