
Dr. Powell on Important Future Directions in Lung Cancer

Charles Powell, MD, director, Mount Sinai-National Jewish Health Respiratory Institute, sheds light on what he feels oncologists should be tackling in the future of treating patients with lung cancer.

Charles Powell, MD, director, Mount Sinai-National Jewish Health Respiratory Institute, sheds light on what he feels oncologists should be tackling in the future of treating patients with lung cancer in an interview during the IASLC Chicago Multidisciplinary Symposium in Thoracic Oncology.

Powell discusses the importance of managing patients with pulmonary nodules in a systematic and standardized way, given that there is an increased prevalence as a result of CT screening.

He also urges oncologists in this space to take what they are learning about advanced lung cancer and apply it to early-stage disease, as the cure rates have been shown to be much higher in that patient population.