

Dr Wilky on a Study of Botensilimab Plus Balstilimab in Refractory Metastatic Sarcoma

Breelyn Wilky, MD, discusses updated findings from a phase 1 study investigating botensilimab plus balstilimab in refractory metastatic sarcoma.

Breelyn Wilky, director, Sarcoma Medical Oncology, The Cheryl Bennett and McNeilly Family Endowed Chair in Sarcoma Research, deputy associate director, Clinical Research, associate professor, medicine, medical oncology, the University of Colorado Medicine, discusses updated findings from a phase 1 study (NCT03860272) investigating the combination of botensilimab (AGEN1181) and balstilimab (AGEN2034) in patients with refractory metastatic sarcoma.

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