

Oncology & Biotech News

October 2007
Issue 8

Flash Findings: Cancer Facts: July 6, 2010

A collection of cancer statistics and facts


• This year, 559,650 Americans are projected to die of cancer, perishing at a daily rate of approximately 1,500.

Source: American Cancer Society

• Cancer is considered to be the second-largest reason for death in the U.S. after heart disease, with roughly one in

every four deaths linked to some form of cancer.

Source: American Cancer Society

• About seven million people die of cancer each year worldwide. If current trends continue, by 2020 more than 10

million people could die from the disease.

Source: International Union Against Cancer

• The developing world will bear the brunt of increased cancer fatality rates. By 2020, three quarters of cancer deaths

will occur in the developing world.

Source: International Union Against Cancer


• The annual incidence of cancer is expected to increase about 50% to 15 million cases annually by 2020.

Source: World Health Organization

Breast Cancer

• An estimated 178,500 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to occur among women in the U.S. in 2007.

in situ

• Roughly 62,000 cases of non-invasive () breast cancer are expected to occur among women in 2007.

• After decades of annual increases, breast cancer incidence has leveled off over the past several years.

• Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women.

• Roughly 2,030 cases of new male breast cancer are expected in 2007.

Source: American Cancer Society

Cancer Costs

• In 2006, the overall costs of cancer were $206.3 billion.

• Direct medical cancer costs (total health expenditures) exceeded $78.2 billion.

Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

• Cancer Costs $17.9 billion in indirect morbidity (costs of lost productivity due to illness) and $110.2 billion in indirect

mortality (costs of lost productivity due to premature death).

Source: American Cancer Society

Smoking and Cancer

• Smoking is the main cause of cancer in the world and the main cause of death in adult life.

• Annually, about one million people in the United States take up smoking. Worldwide, roughly 30 million people

begin smoking each year.


All cancers caused by cigarette smoking could be prevented completely. • It is estimated that in 2007, 168,000

cancer fatalities are expected to be caused by smoking.

Source: American Cancer Society

Smoking and Cancer

Chances of lung cancer in men who stop smoking at age 50


Chances of lung cancer in men who continue to smoke past age 50


Chances of cancer of the pharynx, esophagus, and larynx in men who stop smoking at age 50


Chances of cancer of the pharynx, esophagus, and larynx in men who continue to smoke past age 50


Sources: British Medical Journal and the American Journal of Epidemiology

Cancer and Minorities

The death rate from cancer among African-American males is 38% higher than the death rate of Caucasians.

• The death rate from cancer among African-American females is 17% higher than the death rate of Caucasians.

Source: American Cancer Society

Oncology Marketplace

Over the next several years, the global cancer market is predicted to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR)

exceeding 10%.

Source: Datamonitor

The global market for cancer innovatives has more than tripled in size over the last four years, achieving a CAGR of

33.1% between 2003 and 2006.

• Monoclonal antibodies comprised four of the top ten leading cancer innovatives in 2006, supplemented by novel

chemotherapeutics, hormonals, and targeted therapies.

• According to experts, 10 blockbuster drugs are likely to emerge in cancer therapy over the next decade as recent and

impending scientific breakthroughs continue to enhance treatment options

• Genentech and Roche continue to command a substantial proportion of the cancer innovatives market, generating

almost 50% of all sales in 2006.


Prostate Cancer

One in six men will get prostate cancer during his lifetime, but only one in 34 will die of the disease.

Source: American Cancer Society

Testicular Cancer

There are nearly 140,000 men in the United States who have survived testicular cancer.

• There will be roughly 7,920 new cases in the United States and 380 deaths from the disease in 2007.

Source: American Cancer Society


In 1882, German biologist Walter Fleming discovered chromatin; rod-like structures inside the cell nucleus that later

came to be called chromosomes.