

Oncology & Biotech News

May 2007
Issue 4

Flash Findings: Cancer Facts: August 12, 2010


A collection of cancer statistics and facts



• “African-American men are 65% more

likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer

than Caucasian-American men and

are more than twice as likely to die from

the disease.”

• “Every year, 70,000 men require additional

treatment due to a recurrence of

prostate cancer.”

Source: Prostate Cancer Facts, Prostate Cancer Foundation

• “Prostate cancer is expected to be diagnosed

in 218,890 men and cause 27,050

deaths this year.”

Source: Cancer Facts and Figures 2007, National Cancer Institute

Breast Cancer

• “Breast cancer is estimated to be diagnosed

in 180,510 women in 2007 and

cause 40,910 deaths.”

• “After increasing for more that two decades,

female breast cancer incidence

rates leveled off between 2001-2003.

Death rates from breast cancer have

steadily decreased in women since 1990,

with larger decreases in women younger

than 50 years (a decrease of 3.3% per

year) than in those 50 years and older

(2.0% per year).”

Source: Cancer Facts and Figures 2007, National Cancer Institute


• Lung cancer is expected to produce

213,380 new cases and 160,390 deaths

this year.”

Source: Cancer Facts and Figures 2007, National Cancer Institute

• “Radon is the second leading cause of

lung cancer in the United States and

causes between 15,000 and 22,000 lung

cancer deaths each year — 12% of all lung

cancer deaths are linked to radon.”

Facts about Lung Cancer, American Lung Association


• “Leukemia represents 26% of all cancers

occurring among children younger than

20 years old from 2000-2003.”

• “Acute leukemias account for nearly 9%

more of the cases than chronic leukemias.”

• “Incidence rates for all types of leukemia

are higher among males than among

females. In 2006, males are expected to

account for more than 57% of the cases

of leukemia.”

Source: Leukemia Facts and Statistics, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society


• “An estimated 66,670 Americans will

be diagnosed with lymphoma in 2006

(58,870 cases of non-Hodgkin lymphoma

and 7,800 cases of Hodgkin lymphoma).”

• “Among the 66,670 new cases of lymphoma

this year, the disease will aff ect

34,870 males and 31,800 females.”

• “The fi ve-year relative survival rate for

patients with Hodgkin lymphoma has

increased from 73% in 1975-1977 to 86%

in 1996-2002.”

Source: Lymphoma Facts and Statistics, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Multiple Myeloma

• “In 2007 it is estimated that there will

be 19,900 new cases of multiple myeloma

in the United States, causing 10,790


Source: Cancer Facts and Figures 2007, National Cancer Institute

• “The median survival in the prechemotherapy

era for multiple myeloma was

about 7 months. After the introduction

of chemotherapy, prognosis improved

signifi cantly with a median survival of

24 to 30 months and a 10-year survival

of 3%.”

Source: Rajkumar SV, Kyle RA; Multiple myeloma: diagnosis and treatment. Mayo Clin Proc 80 (10): 1371-82, 2005.

Biotech Industry

• “There are more than 300 biotech drug

products and vaccines currently in

clinical trials targeting more than 200

diseases, including various cancers,

Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, diabetes,

multiple sclerosis, AIDS, and arthritis.”

Source: Biotechnology Industry Facts, BIO: Biotechnology Industry Organization

• “Biotechnology is one of the most research-

intensive industries in the world.

The U.S. biotech industry spent $17.9

billion on research and development in


• “As of Dec. 31, 2003, there were 1,473

biotechnology companies in the United

States, of which, 314 were publicly


Source: Ernst & Young LLP, annual biotechnology industry reports, 2004.


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